Here at Elysian, we are dedicated to providing exceptional before and after school care for every student. Our thoughtfully curated programs ensure that individual needs are met with the highest level of care and attention.Parents can feel assured that their children are in a safe and nurturing environment, guided by our devoted staff.
Families with outstanding balances for the programs must settle their accounts before they are eligible to register for the Early Bird or Eagle’s Nest programs.
The Early Bird Drop-Off and Eagle’s Nest After School will begin on Thursday, September 5th.
Early Bird Drop Off Program
In our Early Bird Drop-Off Program, children have the opportunity to engage in stimulating table games or to partake in interactive play in the gym. The program operates each school day from 7:30 a.m. until 8:20 a.m., at which time the children will transition seamlessly to their classrooms.
Program Rates:
- $7 daily day drop-in; $5 for sibling(s)
- Families who qualify for reduced price lunch: 50% discount
- Families who qualify for free lunch: No charge
Eagle’s Nest After School Program
The Eagle’s Nest After School Program provides a nurturing environment where your child can thrive, whether they need support or simply a safe space to explore. Each month features a captivating theme with engaging activities in art and STEM, alongside cherished favorites such as outdoor play, free exploration, and homework assistance. Elysian staff will offer attentive supervision and guidance, with students grouped by grade to ensure a supportive and enriching experience.
Program Hours:
- Full School Days – From dismissal to 6:00 pm
- Half School Days – From 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
- There will be NO AFTER CARE the following dates:
- Half-Day before Thanksgiving Break Nov 27, 2024
- Half-Day before Winter Break Dec 20, 2024
- Half-Day before Mid-Winter Break Feb 14, 2025
- Half-Day before Spring Break Apr 11, 2025
- Half-Day before Memorial Day Weekend May 23, 2025
- Last day of school June 18, 2025
Program Rates:
- Daily drop in rate: $25 per child; $15 for sibling(s)
- Families who qualify for reduced price lunch: 50% discount
- Families who qualify for free lunch: No charge
Eagle’s Nest Snack Policy
Students are to bring a healthy snack from home to enjoy during aftercare. Please be mindful that Elysian is a Nut-Free School.
Eagle’s Nest Pick-Up Procedure
To ensure the safety of your child(ren), only the persons listed on your School Emergency form will be able to pick up your child(ren). Pick-up will take place from the classroom your child has been assigned to, and check-out must be confirmed with the staff member on duty. If the children are at the park, they may be signed out with a member of our staff who is at the park with them.
Overtime Rate:
Prompt pick up of your child(ren) is important, and there are penalties for late pick-up. A fee of $10 will be charged for each 5 minutes you arrive after 6 pm.
Example: If a student is picked up at 6:15 pm, a fee of $30 will be applied.
In the rare case that you plan to arrive late, please reach out to the office at 201-876-0102
Payments are due the first of the month and must be made through your PaySchools Central Account.