Breakfast and Lunch Programs

Elysian Charter School participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) . The NSLPand the SBP are federally assisted programs that provide nutritionally balanced meals to children each school day. All meals contain a protein, vegetable, fruit, whole grain component and milk.

Families seeking to apply for Free or Reduced lunch for their children can access the application year-round via PaySchools Central. Student eligibility is handled with the utmost confidentiality, and every student has access to the full range of meal options available.

School Breakfast Program

Our school offers nutritious grab-and-go breakfast options to all students enrolled in our Breakfast Program. Breakfast is served in the Lobby from 8:00 am to 8:20 am. Enrolling is simple through the PaySchools Central. You can select menu items and manage payments all in one place.

Breakfast Prices

  • Free and Reduced Lunch: No cost
  • Full price for lunch: $3.75

School Lunch Program

Lunch Prices

  • Free and Reduced Lunch: No cost
  • Full price for lunch: $4.75  

Ordering Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and Lunch orders and menu selections are made through PaySchools Central.

Emergency Meals

If your child needs lunch but has not ordered in advance , we will provide lunch and charge your child’s PaySchools account.. 

Lunch for Field Trips

For students going full-day field trips, box lunches can be provided. If the student has signed up for school lunch, that lunch will automatically be converted into a boxed lunch for the field trip. 

Special Dietary Needs


Families with students who have specific food allergies can select menu items that accommodate their needs. Currently, the NSLP provides Dairy-Free and Vegetarian lunch alternatives each day. All meals are nut-free.

Milk Substitutions

The USDA now allows parents/guardians to request a milk substitute.